Coming up next is the Jake Gyllenhaal film Enemy based on Jose Saramago's novel, The Double. Not sure why they didn't stick with that title but the movie, which has been playing at festivals and online comes out in theaters March 7. I guess that's for people who still require, if not an actual big screen in a movie theater, at least a decent size television screen on which to watch a movie. As opposed to those out there content to watch a movie on their i-Pad. Or even their phones. You wouldn't do that, right? Right?

The novel is about a divorced and deeply depressed history teacher who becomes obsessed with secretly tracking down his exact double, an actor in a video that he watches on the advice of a colleague. The two become embroiled in a competitive power struggle, revealing their darkest selves while exploring concepts of identity and unconsciousness. Saramago's novel received mixed reviews; can't wait to see how director Denis Villeneuve - who helmed Gyllenhaal's last venture, Prisoners (Loved it) fares with the adaptation scripted by JaviƩr Gullon. In case it's not clear, Gyllenhaal plays both the teacher and the actor, in what sounds like it could be a tour de force performance. Indiewire' Playlist featured a gushing review when Enemy screened at TIFF, calling it 'an engrossing Kafka-esque mindfuck cum provocative psychological thriller.' How can you not want to watch that!? Especially once you've seen the trailer; have you seen the trailer? It's intense; definitely in competition with Under the Skin starring Scarlett Johansson for most intense trailer I've seen in weeks. Scroll down to watch but first check out this optical illusion poster which debuted exclusively on Is it a key? Or do you see what I see?

cool optical illusion poster via